Latest News: Swansea Film Productions are proud to announce their new film "The Doll" is now in production. Casting and locations complete. Read-through read. Shooting mid-January

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Trail Blazing

With just over two weeks since we completed the shoot (except for a couple of cutaways) Mike Leahy is pleased to announce that the trailer is now at "Final Cut" stage and so should be available to see after Monday.

This has taken several hours work for Carli de'la Hughes, director, and Jane Hosgood, director of photography, together with Robin Dobson, second camera man. But it is looking good and we all hope it will attract attention both at the premiere and film festivalsin which it is entered.

The story line has been kept pretty close to the original idea through screen-writer Amanda Evans's script and it seems to work well. It's hoped that Amanda likes the trailer and can see that her trust in the director and camera crew has been fulfilled. And of course Amanda is now working on her next script which we eagerly look forward to reading.

And now for some good news for local Swansea Bay and South Wales film makers. Swansea Film Productions are opening up to any film-maker in any discipline and intend becoming a hub to promote local film makers and help them create new and exciting films that will be shown. It's a sad reality of life that many films are created and made taking up great chunks of time for everyone concerned and then never fully promoted. A full announcement will be made shortly (hopefully before the end of March) when the idea has been fully explored and there is a concrete plan of how it will work.

Meanwhile, keep watching for the next exciting stage of The Doll   

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